Saturday, July 26, 2008

fashion is not just a trend

I strongly believe that I was born with some artistic brain. May be because the fact that I am a lefthanded, and the fact that I use my right hemisphere brain more than the left one.
I always thought to live with art..having a degree in art, and getting a job related to art.
I'm quite remember, the first time I draw my own paint..i was 4 years old I guess, and my mom told me that I 'can' draw..hehe, ok so you mean that I have that little 'kebolehan dalam melukis'.
I started to realize that I have a desire in designing.. I think every designed clothes have its own beauty and abstractly, I couldn’t explain my appreciation on art~

Then, when I went to Islamic school and learned more about my inspiring religion, I get a better understanding about Islam. And it seems applicable in fashion, but none of Malaysian top-malay designers ever practice it in their design. Frankly, I watched project runaway Malaysia..I thought, ok it is Malaysian, so it wouldn't be sexy and menunjuk2 aurat yang melampau I guess…
Sadly, it was just a guess..those clothes, untuk orang kafirkah? Atau untuk mengkafirkan orang Islam? Or you mean by designing those grand and up to date dresses will just raise your name up in the global commercial..without thinking that you are exploiting yourself as muslim who don’t practice Islam in your career.

I always think...couldn't a good muslimah designer, design the proper clothes for muslimah and

be well known around the world?
It is not about fame. But I guess, everyone should realize that fashion is a trend, and trend can be a way of dakwah. Ok, so now the trend for young malay muslimah is tudung bawal selimpang with baby T and a very nice cut of jean. Sadly, they cover nothing..unveiling what is merely hidden inside those clothes. Still, people can see their body, their hair(klo x pakai serkup).
It is our job as muslim to show them the real Islam, not by introducing all new, trendy n tight clothes. Ibarat kata ibu2 kita, sakit mata memandang, macam tak cukup kain nk tampal..harga material je mahal melambung.

For me, my interest in fashion design is not a sin, but it is also a way for me to express the real Islamic way. Still, each angle of a cloth, I see the beauty of art, and if you understand Islam well, you know that Allah love those beauty things, even He create the sky beautifully with clouds and rainbows. But I don’t get obsessed with them, still I know that Islam teach us about tabarruj and rule us to be humble, not to be proud of our own beauty and not to show them off.

tutup aurat itu tujuan utama kita!

So I just wonder, when I will see the true Islamic fashion in Malaysia. I ever dream to be a designer, but thanks to Allah, He know that medicine is better for me.
I never gave up, because I thought may be, I can built my own Islamic boutique and sell a proper clothes for muslimah..but sadly after I learned about medical ethic I just knew that it is unethical for a doctor to work in other profession.
Never mind. I may be not a designer. But I will always hope, someday there will be a true muslim who will teach those people who learn fashion how to design the proper clothes, not just for celebrities at the red carpet ~

Living in this foreign country..yeah, just another Islamic country, I'm observing the fashion trend. Rupanye lagi teruk~ bak kata one of Egyptian blogger, new hijabi, showing everything they have with their own dress..

Hopefully, Malaysia will be better, I'm praying, jgnlah jdi mcm kt sini..hopefully, those malay girls realize that how our nenek moyang had taught us about modesty, decent and good manner as a muslimah very well..

Fashion trend is also a way of dakwah….
But may be it is not my field,
No regret, I can contribute more in medical field!

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